
About 6 years ago, I started a political blog. During the time I maintained it – it was moderately successful and in general pretty well read.

When I first erected that blog, I had, as a complete “afterthought” buried a handful of pages about how I quit smoking on it.

A few years ago I made the decision to go back to school to get my MBA. It took up a lot of my time, and I haven’t been able to update or really give the attention to my political blog the way I want or need to.

So… I started taking it down and revamping it.

I had COMPLETELY forgot about those quit smoking tips I posted.

Until I moved them!

Holy CRAP did I get some mail. There was (unbeknownst to me) an entire small community of people who had been reading those buried pages and actually depending on them.

Who knew?

Judging by the metric TON of mail I got – those obscure quit smoking tips were more popular than my political blog! I went back through the analytics that I hadn’t really been tracking for the last few years and low and behold – it was true!

So… I made the decision to move the pages to their own dedicated space.

And so it begins!

Please let me hear from you.

I’m very anxious to know that I’ve helped you kick the habit.


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